Sona Sikka
Pioneer in edible groundnut oil
Since 1984, as the most
esteemed & trusted brand
The Brand name is enough to
define it all “SONA SIKKA” is known as "The Liquid Gold" in the edible oil industry.
Sona Sikka groundnut oil launched by Shree Shyam Sundar Chhugani (Shyam Oils) is the most esteemed and trusted brand in edible oil industry which is ruling the hearts of consumers for last 35 years.
The Brand Sona Sikka established in 1984 with the perception of giving quality and healthy food product in the market. Today refinery is spread in acres, having current per day production of 7000 tins /100 tons .The main aim is simple to ensure safety, health, maintain quality and deliver with environment integrity.
During 90’s as the demand of the product increased the company started its distribution across Rajasthan. As the popularity of brand raised, various brands started to copy the product’s name, design, logo and other features.
So to prevent duplicacy the company started to provide tin in corrugated box packaging. “Sona Sikka” is the first brand in history of edible oil market to provide package in corrugated boxes since 1997. As to ensure quality and superiority the brand introduced aluminum caps on its 15 liter packaging. “Sona Sikka” is the first brand to introduce aluminum caps in the edible oil industry. .
Our vision is to create a better
every-day life for many people.

Shyam Chhugani
--“Since our inception, I have a strong belief that success follows those who follow their heart. When we started out in 1984, I knew that the choice to live a healthy lifestyle and eat right wasn’t just a trend. It was a transformation people looked at making for the long term. So we set out on a journey to constantly work towards innovation and development, to improve the groundnut oil we bring to you today.Our goal is simple: ensure safety, maintain quality, and deliver with environmental integrity. Keeping various parameters in mind, it’s an honor to offer our consumers the best for themselves and their families.”

Rohit Chhugani
--“Consumers today are well aware of what goes into their food. They are health conscious and demand real value for the money they spend on products. To take the health quotient in food several notches higher, SonaSikka is well equipped with proper persistence, perspective, people and products. The company has a constantly upgraded state-of-the-art production facility, to ensure flexibility. Our processes are designed to ensure hygiene, purity and food safety. We look forward to serving you, with a promise of assurance.”

Neha Chhugani
--““Made by pressing the finest groundnuts using High Tech Ghani machines, Sona Sikka groundnut oil is rich in good fat and contains no cholesterol.Extensively used as edible oil for general cooking, our product keeps the natural aroma of the food intact increasing its value. Sona Sikka groundnut oil comes in air tight packaging and is a natural source of antioxidants that protect your body from toxins. We believe in quality above all and therefore maintain the highest standards from sourcing to packaging. Always committed to integrity, we pride ourselves in creating products that are a delight to our customers.”
Awards and Accolades